Finally! The video we've all been waiting for!
'Telephone' is allready on its way out of the charts, but there still wasn't an official video for the song... until last Thursday!
Miss GaGa wasn't satisfied before and since she wanted it to be perfect we all had to wait a little longer.
The result is, if I may say so, fabulous! The Hair, the clothes (or should I say, the tape, haha), the sets, the Pussywagon... again, AMAZING.
The best look is the one in the studded leather jacket with the soda cans in GaGa's hair. WHO came up with that?! CRAAAZY but so cool! And I must say, the sigarette-glasses are pretty amazing too.
I also like the fact that the video continues where the Paparazzi-video left off.
Beyoncé's appearance is a little different from what she usually looks like, but, still very Sasha Fierce.
Some stations, like MTV, have decided to ban 'Telephone' because they think some lines have been crossed in this video, which I think is totally nonsense.
There are lots of videos that are much worse but most of the time, those are videos from male artists. Now that GaGa does a similar one, all of a sudden it's too heavy and too shocking. America's prudity starts to annoy me by now... But since the mini-movie has been watched over 15 million times in just three days I'm sure that Miss Gaga and Honey Bee don't need MTV to make it a succes... It allready is!
Great Job girls!
3 dagen geleden
Soo Amazing! Love iT!