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dinsdag 29 juni 2010

Wreckin' till it's crackin'!

'Wreck this journal'. Anyone heared about this book?
I didn't untill last Thursday. I was surfing the web and somehow ended up on this website about a journal you have to damage untill you can't even reconize it as a book any more.
It is written (well, not written, it's more like... designed) by Keri Smith, a American author and illustrator.
All of her books are ment to stimulate your creativity. Lots of people who are 'wrecking the book' post pictures on the website so you can get a good look at everything this book makes you do. (very funny!)
It makes you spill coffee on it, glue pages together, chew it, wash a page and then put it back in, throw it from some place high, shower with it and God knows what else! I think it is hilarious and as soon as I saw all this, I ordered the book online. I just had to try this!
I received it last weekend and allready broke the spine of the book and made a print with my Juicy Couture flipflops (Yeah, I jumped :P ). I can't wait to do all this weird stuff to it! Maybe I'll even take it with me on holiday, haha! I'll keep you posted.
If you feel you need to be more reckless in life, this might be a perfect start.
For the Dutchies; this June the booked released in a Dutch version, which you can buy online at Bol.com.
Idea: I think the book will make a great fun gift.

Original English edition, € 10,99
New Dutch edition, € 11,99


English Translation

3 opmerkingen:

  1. Joehoee! Ik heb m ook. Hij is vet grappig.
    Zelfs als je er niks mee doet, is iegewoon leuk om door te lezen

  2. Ik kon je email zo niet vinden maar ik zag dat jij de h&m FAA ketting hebt. Verkoop je hem toevallig?

  3. het was niet m'n plan, maar ik wil hem best verkopen hoor. M'n email staat nu in de kantlijn.
    Ik kan nu ook niet reageren aangezien je anoniem reageert ;)
