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woensdag 30 juni 2010

Love the way you lie...

Just gonna stand

There And watch

me burn...

But thats alright

because I like the

way it hurts...

Just gonna stand

there and hear

me cry...

But thats alright

because I love the

way you lie...
             eminem ft. rihanna x Love the way you lie

dinsdag 29 juni 2010

Wreckin' till it's crackin'!

'Wreck this journal'. Anyone heared about this book?
I didn't untill last Thursday. I was surfing the web and somehow ended up on this website about a journal you have to damage untill you can't even reconize it as a book any more.
It is written (well, not written, it's more like... designed) by Keri Smith, a American author and illustrator.
All of her books are ment to stimulate your creativity. Lots of people who are 'wrecking the book' post pictures on the website so you can get a good look at everything this book makes you do. (very funny!)
It makes you spill coffee on it, glue pages together, chew it, wash a page and then put it back in, throw it from some place high, shower with it and God knows what else! I think it is hilarious and as soon as I saw all this, I ordered the book online. I just had to try this!
I received it last weekend and allready broke the spine of the book and made a print with my Juicy Couture flipflops (Yeah, I jumped :P ). I can't wait to do all this weird stuff to it! Maybe I'll even take it with me on holiday, haha! I'll keep you posted.
If you feel you need to be more reckless in life, this might be a perfect start.
For the Dutchies; this June the booked released in a Dutch version, which you can buy online at Bol.com.
Idea: I think the book will make a great fun gift.

Original English edition, € 10,99
New Dutch edition, € 11,99


English Translation

maandag 28 juni 2010

Kick it!

2 - 1



Gregory <3 Pretty (sweaty) boy :)

Buys, buys, buys!

Last weekend I finally had some spare time to shop again, and I really needed to while I'm leaving for Italy next saturday!
Besides robbing Chanel I bought a couple of other nice things at H&M and Zara.
Two cool necklaces, a 'blush' jacket (Trend), a braided belt and a few tops at H&M, and a blue skinny jeans and a camel coloured skinny at Zara.
I'm loving the H&M jacket but unfortunately I won't be able to wear it this week since it is so FREAKIN' hot over here! I wore it last weekend at night and even then it was too warm to wear it. Well... maybe after my vacation.
I'm leaving for Italy with two friends in 5 days and I seriously can't wait! BTW, wouldn't it be great if Holland makes it to the Soccer World Cup final and wins while I'm in Italy?! (Italy won the Cup last time, 4 years ago, but since they're out already... :P ) When that happens... MY OH MY... will we party! But let's watch today's game first. At 4PM it is 'on' with Slovakia and even though it won't be the easiest match for us, I think (hope) the Dutch will win. Let's pray everybody! ;)
But back to my shopping trip, here are some pictures from the things I've bought. Opinions?

                    Really like the colours! OK, I know it's                      Also love this one,
                    hot outside, but this also gets me                                 a rope necklace with pieces
                    in a Summer mood :)                                                       of black/smoke plastic.


Hey there!
Last week I did a post about Chanel's Summer make-up collection and how bad I wanted to have all of it.
Now I'm happy to say I've managed to buy myself some of the stuff. Unfortunately not all of it but before I started my make-up 'hunt' I was pretty sure I wouldn't be able to get my hands on the 'Nouvelle Vague' and the 'Riviera' nail polish. (So still looking for these two people!).
What I did buy; 'Mistral' nail polish, 'Super' Rouge Allure lipstick and 'Laser' Fluo Gloss.
Just did my nails (love it!). The colour matches my Louboutin heels I bought in Paris about two months ago. Very nice, if I may say so.
Wore the lipstick and gloss last saturday when I went clubbing. I must say; a little shocking (never had lips this bright and popping before!) but after looking at myself in the mirror a couple of times, I got used to my colourful lips. My friends loved it too (we all left the house very kissable :P ) so that won me over for sure.
It also matched my new necklace that I'll show you in my next post.
Like I said, I love my new buys (!), but if there's anyone who knows a store that still has the other two colours I want, let me know!

XoXo, Justine W.

donderdag 24 juni 2010

Low Budget Look - week 26


It's been a couple of weeks since my last Low Budget Look post, I desperately needed to make a new one. So, here it is!
When I saw this hot pink rabbit-fur jacket on Net-a-porter.com, I fell in love with it right away. It is chique but classy and it can be sweet or you can tough it up, like I did below.
The colour is popping and if you like attention you should deffinately wear this.
Also, I immediately remembered these Jimmy Choo sandals that I'd seen before. They're catchy and pretty, but this is the kind of shoe you'd have to wear to see how beautiful it really is. And, I discovered they're on sale! 30% off guys!
The McQueen tank is amazing! A skull-print with pastel-coloured roses, pretty and cool! 
To finish this chique/edgy look, what bag would be better than Alexander Wang's 'Rocco' bag?! This laser-cut version is part of the new Fall collection. LOVE IT!
The cheaper look has, instead of hot pink, a bright coral jacket and sandals. The outfit is a little less chique than the designer look because I replaced the fur with a simple plain fabric, but I think it has the same cool edge. I didn't expect to find a jacket and shoes of the same colour, but this match is perfect!
The 'Pieces' bag is a look-a-like Alexander Wang 'Rocco' bag, complete with studs on base. The price is definately worth it. The look-a-like is almost 17 times as cheap as Wang's original!
I'm really curious about your thoughts about the looks. Let me know what you think!

XoXo, Justine W.


'Rabbit Collarless jacket' - D&G - € 1290,-
'Peony' Skull-Roses cotton tank - Alexander McQueen - € 160,-
'Avedon' Slick mide-rise legging jeans - Citizens of Humanity € 199,-
'Rocco' laser-cut studded bag - Alexander Wang - € 905,-
Amethyst Pendant necklace - Roberto Cavalli - € 508,-
'Dexter' perforated suede sandals - Jimmy Choo - € 402,50 - SALE item
(All from net-a-porter)

Total price;     € 3464,50


Pink cropped jacket - Diesel by Asos.com - € 118,75
Striped cotton top - H&M Shop Online € 7,95 - SALE item
Black tregging - H&M Shop Online - € 19,95
Alexander Wang 'Rocco' look-a-like, 'Slouchy Studded Bag' - Pieces by Asos.com - € 56,25
'Golden Light Pendant', gold plated, crystal - Kenneth Jay Lane by Max&Chloe - € 133,-
Bright Coral immitation suede sandals - H&M Shop Online - € 19,95

Total price;     € 355,85

Talent spotted!

Yesterday 'Edwin Evers' (DJ at Radio 538) played a beautiful song. It was a live vocal and piano only version of a song called; Away From You.
I had no idea who was singing it, and suprisingly it turned out to be a Dutch girl, Elske de Wall.
A 24-year-old who I had never heard from before.
I'm guessing a lot of you don't know her either and I think that must change immediately!
This girl has a voice everyone should hear.
Who agrees with me?

XoXo, Justine W.

woensdag 23 juni 2010

Wish-list items!!!

I know I'm really (!) late with this...(shame on me! How could I have missed this?!) but I just discovered the new Chanel 'Les Pop-up' make-up Summer Collection and I'm in L.O.V.E with it all!
Especially the nail polishes are TO DIE FOR! Bright and fresh colours that really 'pop' when you wear them.
Last year 'Jade' was the must-have nail polish, this summer it is 'Nouvelle Vague'. An ocean-blue'ish colour that deffinately reminds me of summer. Other colours, 'Mistral' and 'Riviera', are also gorgeous!
The lipsticks and glosses are amazing too. Available in hot pink (Gloss Fluo Laser), soft pink (Bikini Peach) and bright coral (Gloss Fluo Pop).
Unfortunately the collection is sold out almost everywhere, so if you can still find some of it somewhere, let me know please! I'm in desperate need of 'Nouvelle Vague' nails and 'Gloss Fluo Laser' lips!

XoXo, Justine W.

The Chanel 'Les Pop-up' summer collection

'Nouvelle Vague', 'Riviera', 'Mistral'.

Arrived: Balenciaga bags!

Hey everyone!
It's been a week already since my latest post, so it's about time again!
Next friday I'll have my Math and Economics exams, so after that... I'll have time to blog again! (Finally...!)
For now... I'd like to share some very good news with you guys...
Designer webshop Mytheresa.com has added Balenciaga to their selection! But not just sunglasses, which are available elsewhere online, also shoes, bags (!) and wallets!
It is the first online-shop to sell Balenciaga bags. A couple of items from the PRE-FALL '10 collection; Giant Work Tote, Giant City Tote, Covered Giant City Tote, Classic Papier Tote and the Giant Envelope Clutch.
Colours are 'Anthracite', 'Seigle' (sandy beige), 'Bois de Rose' (a very light pink colour) and 'Castagne' (mid brown).
Personally I really love the Giant City Tote in 'Bois de Rose'. It is a light colour that matches with almost everything, and I think it will be a good replacement for the usual white bag.
Mytheresa.com also selected the lovely studded leather ballerinas in 'Anthracite', 'Seigle' and 'Bois de Rose'.
The ballerinas cost € 345,- and price range for the bags is between € 675,- for clutches and € 1345,- for the Covered Giant City Tote.
Go and check out the new collection and let me know what you think!

XoXo, Justine W.

Giant Work Tote, 'Bois de Rose'                                      Covered Giant City Tote, 'Seigl'
At Mytheresa.com they offer the Giant City Tote
in 'Bois de Rose', not the Giant Work Tote, shown
here, but I couldn't find the right picture and I really
wanted to show this colour. They do have this model
in 'Anthracite' and 'Castagne'.

Studded leather ballerina, 'Anthracite'

maandag 14 juni 2010


Hey there!
Yeah, it's really me and I'm still alive! Although it must have looked like I've been visiting the Moon or something since I haven't posted anything for like a week! Sorry guys!
I've been very busy with school and there are some exams I have to take next week for which I definately need to study a lot, that's why.
For now I'd like to share with y'all Lady GaGa's 'Alejandro' video, that released last week.
Just like her previous video ('Telephone'), this a very long one. 8.44 minutes to be exact.
It is a weird (what else is new?!) video where GaGa mixes Christian and Nazi influences, what makes this, once more, a much discussed video around the globe.
Not only because of these weird Christian/Nazi elements but also because it lookes like GaGa is immitating Madonna. Remember Madonna's 'cross' performance?! And that's only one thing...!
I really love GaGa and despite the Madonna-parts I do like her new video (I love the dark sets, the dancers, the little make-up she's wearing and the off course those funny wigs). And this might be the first time I've seen her wear something normal, a black top with black trousers! Only the wig reveals this is really Lady GaGa.
Tell me what you think about the video, enjoy!

XoXo, Justine W.


Hey there!

From now on, you can also follow my blog with Bloglovin'!
I hope you will! Thanks!

Justine W.

zaterdag 5 juni 2010

I have no words, just listen...

June 5th. One of most difficult days of my life for sure.
My friend's parents funeral was today.
I've been sitting here with my laptop for at least a half hour, but I just can't seem to find words to describe this horible day...
This amazing song, Going Home by Kenny G, was played at the funeral. Her dad had also played the song on his saxophone and, well... all I can say is that tears kept coming...
Like I said, I have no words, just listen...

Honey, this is for you, your sister and your parents. May they rest in peace.
I'll always be there for you, I love you.

donderdag 3 juni 2010

Wish-list item!!!

Zip it y'all!
Silence for this little work of art... 'Zipper square-frame sunglasses' from Alexander Wang by Linda Farrow.
I spotted these on net-a-porter last week and I thought they were friggin' hot!
They are a bit pricey... € 275,- ! But then again, how awesome are zipper-glasses?!
So if you're in need for some new shades and don't mind to spend a little... These will definately work this summer! (But leave one for me on net-a-porter, ok?! Thanx :D )

Some girls 'wanna' dance to the beat of the track

Hey there!
When I go off to work, I allways take my bike. It is an half hour ride from home through a very peacefull and quiet neighbourhood. Every day I'm enjoying the beautiful nature (well, actually only when the weather is good) while I'm listening to my favourite music on my BB.
A couple of weeks ago my earphones broke and I just couldn't find the time to get me some new ones.
All those days without music were awful. It seems like those half hour rides take 3 times as long as usual, and all you hear are bees and flies crashing on your forehead. Like I said... Awful!
Last weekend I finally bought a new pair! This time I thought it might be better to spend a little more on new earphones since all the cheaper ones (Apple for instance) break down quite fast.
As a huge GaGa-fan, what could be better than Monster 'Heartbeats' by Lady GaGa?!
They are different, look glamourous and off course the sound is amazing! They come with a protective case, shaped like a triangle, just like the earphones.
What's also special about them is that the wire is flat what makes it tangle-resistant. How great is that?!
They are available in Bright Chrome, Black Chrome and Rose Red. I went for Bright Chrome, as it suits almost everything I wear (and they were the most shiny :P ).
What colour would you choose?

XoXo Justine W.

(one more thing:    Yeeeey! My 30th post! :D )

Monster 'Heartbeats' by lady GaGa, Bright Chrome

dinsdag 1 juni 2010

Dior, me adore!

It's been a couple of days since my last post, but I had a busy weekend.
As you all know I went to see Sex and the City 2 last Friday, which I thought was very funny (I definately enjoyed the movie a lot!), on Saturday me and mum took my brother out on a shopping trip because we needed to get him an outfit for my aunts wedding next Friday (Finally I'm becoming a bridesmaid!!! :D ). Not that simple when you're shopping for someone who doesn't like fashion but has a really strong opinion about what he should wear... Pfeww.... So hard... Saturday was also my dad's birthday, and me and my brother visited him in the evening. Sunday I spended my whole day cleaning up my room, it was such a mess! But only because I moved about a week ago and that always brings a lot of chaos arround the house.
Yesterday I went to see my friend again, to see how she doing.... Next saturday is her parents funeral... still unbelievable and so not fair...
As you can see I've been doing a lot, but I'll try to keep posting when I find the time.

For now, a little about Dior Jewellery. On my last trip to Paris 3 weeks ago, I went to Galeries Lafayette, a huge department store, like Bloomingdales or Saks Fifth Avenue. In a split second I spotted a ring in the jewellery section, which almost made me drool. It was a golden Dior ring from their 'Milly-la-forêt' collection. The collection contains rings, earrings and necklaces and all items are inspired by summer, gardens, flowers, insects (only the cute ones off course) and animals.
My favourite is the 18K yellow gold 'Diorette' ring, with the huge amethyst in the middle. It is huge and hard not to notice, but I love it!
All those lovely colours, flowers and O my... that cute ladybug! I really hope Santa is planning his summer vacation to Holland 'cause I just need (neeeeeddd) this ring!
Here are some pic's, also other beautiful and cool items from this collection.
What do you think? Are they 'too much' or 'too die for'?

XoXo Justine W.

BIG... I know :P But love at first sight...

The same ring, different colours

Beautiful earrings...

The 'Diorette', a little smaller version

Also stunning...

The little frog... Soooo cute!

The 'Milly-la-forêt' campaign add

Another add...